2023/24 participant feedback

Participant in Research Experience Survey (PRES) 2023/24

extract from patient feedback form

In order to understand the experience that participants have in our department we take part in the Participant in Research Experience Survey (PRES) initiative which has been developed by the National Institute for Health and Care Research Clinical Research Network (CRN) Coordinating Centre.

Why do we deliver PRES?

Each year, we ask participants to complete the PRES to understand their experiences of research so that we can improve our delivery of research in the future and ensure a positive research experience for participants.

Feedback also helps us to understand what we are doing well, and we can celebrate and share these successes with research staff.

PRES is also one of the means by which the impact of the Clinical Research Network is evaluated, and it is vital that as a Partner Organisation we contribute to this initiative.

PRES reports from all departments at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals 

The reports from this year's PRES are shown below:


Data Studio report

Full PRES report

2023/24 PRES results for NIHR Sheffield CRF

Research participants taking part in NIHR funded studies at NIHR Sheffield CRF are given the opportunity to provide anonymous feedback on their experience of taking part in research using the Participant in Research Experience Survey (PRES).

We have been busy reviewing all of the data collected, including comments on what was positive about their research experience and also on what would have made their research experience better.  Some of the survey highlights are shown on the right.

PRES Infographic 2023-2024.pdf

The infographic above shows some highlights for 2023/2024 for NIHR Sheffield Clinical Research Facility (CRF) and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (STH).

Friends & Family Test - January 2024

You said we did Poster _Jan2024 RHH_FINAL.pdf

This poster shows what participants said in their feedback and what we did with this in the CRF at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital in January 2024

You said we did Poster _Jan2024 - NGH_FINAL.pdf

This poster shows what participants said in their feedback and what we did with this in the CRF at the Northern General Hospital in January 2024

Friends & Family Test - September/October 2023

You said we did Poster _Oct2023 RHH_FINAL.pdf

This poster shows what participants said in their feedback and what we did with this in the CRF at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital in Sept/Oct 2023

You said we did Poster _Oct 2023 - NGH_FINAL.pdf

This poster shows what participants said in their feedback and what we did with this in the CRF at the Northern General Hospital in Sept/Oct 2023

Friends & Family Test - July/August 2023

The  NIHR Sheffield Clinical Research Facility (CRF) took part in the Friends and Family Test over the course of a week in July/August2023.

This follows the great feedback received when we undertook this initiative in April. Feedback from our research participants on their experience of using our service is important to us, and we aim to make improvements based on the comments made on these feedback forms.  

We received 14 responses from participants at our Royal Hallamshire Hospital unit and 21 responses from participants at our Northern General Hospital unit, doubling our responses from last time which is fantastic. Overall, the comments received were extremely positive, with some fantastic feedback recognising the great work of everyone in our teams

A selection of comments is shown below. Fantastic work by the whole team!

(August 2023)

You said we did Poster _July 2023 RHH.pdf

This poster shows what participants said in their feedback and what we did with this in the CRF at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital in July/August 2023

You said we did Poster _Aug 2023 - NGH.pdf

This poster shows what participants said in their feedback and what we did with this in the CRF at the Northern General Hospital in July/August 2023

Friends & Family Test - April 2023

The  NIHR Sheffield Clinical Research Facility (CRF) took part in the Friends and Family Test over the course of a week in April 2023.

This follows the great feedback received when we undertook this initiative in January. Feedback from our research participants on their experience of using our service is important to us, and we aim to make improvements based on the comments made on these feedback forms.  

We received 17 responses from participants at our Royal Hallamshire Hospital unit and 38 responses from participants at our Northern General Hospital unit, doubling our responses from last time which is fantastic. Overall, the comments received were extremely positive, with some fantastic feedback recognising the great work of everyone in our teams

A selection of comments is shown below. Well done, team!

(April 2023)

You said we did Poster _Apr 2023 - RHH.pdf

This poster shows what participants said in their feedback and what we did with this in the CRF at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital in April 2023

You said we did Poster _Apr 2023 - NGH.pdf

This poster shows what participants said in their feedback and what we did with this in the CRF at the Northern General Hospital in April 2023